The Checksum Transformation computes a hash value, the checksum, across one or more columns, returning the result in the Checksum output column. The transformation provides functionality similar to the T-SQL CHECKSUM function, but is encapsulated within SQL Server Integration Services, for use within the pipeline without code or a SQL Server connection. As featured in… Continue reading Checksum Transformation
Category: Transformations
RegexClean Transformation
Use the power of regular expressions to cleanse your data right there inside the Data Flow. This transformation includes a full user interface for simple configuration, as well as advanced features such as error output configuration. Two regular expressions are used, a match expression and a replace expression. The transformation is designed around the named… Continue reading RegexClean Transformation
Row Count Plus Transformation
As the name suggests we have taken the current Row Count Transform that is provided by Microsoft in the Integration Services toolbox and we have recreated the functionality and extended upon it. There are two things about the current version that we thought could do with cleaning up Lack of a custom UI You have… Continue reading Row Count Plus Transformation
Row Number Transformation
The Row Number Transformation calculates a row number for each row, and adds this as a new output column to the data flow. The column number is a sequential number, based on a seed value. Each row receives the next number in the sequence, based on the defined increment value. The final row number can… Continue reading Row Number Transformation
Regular Expression Transformation
The regular expression transformation exposes the power of regular expression matching within the pipeline. One or more columns can be selected, and for each column an individual expression can be applied. The way multiple columns are handled can be set on the options page. The AND option means all columns must match, whilst the OR… Continue reading Regular Expression Transformation
Data Flow Property Expressions Property expressions within the data flow are not immediately obvious. Whilst most pipeline or data flow components do support them for their properties, the expression is not generally exposed through the component user interface, neither is the Expressions property shown properties grid for the component. Property expressions are only available at… Continue reading Expressions
Expression Date Functions
Date Parts Expressions support a range of date related functions such as DATEADD, with the same basic syntax to that found in T-SQL. Whilst the familiarity is very helpful, the difference that catches me out is the format of date part which must be quoted. T-SQL allows this: DATEADD(n, -10, GETDATE()) DATEADD(mi, -10, GETDATE()) DATEADD(minute,… Continue reading Expression Date Functions
Extending SSIS with custom Data Flow components (Presentation)
Download the slides and sample code from my Extending SSIS with custom Data Flow components presentation, first presented at the SQLBits II (The SQL) Community Conference. Abstract Get some real-world insights into developing data flow components for SSIS. This starts with an introduction to the data flow pipeline engine, and explains the real differences between… Continue reading Extending SSIS with custom Data Flow components (Presentation)
Multicast Transform and Threading in SQL Server 2008
The Multicast transform in SSIS 2005 enables us to take 1 input dataset and from it generate n output datasets that are an exact copy of the input dataset which is extremely useful at times and we have used it on a number of projects. The downside is that those outputs are synchronous outputs and… Continue reading Multicast Transform and Threading in SQL Server 2008
OLE-DB Command Transformation
In the newsgroups we have been asked on a number of occasions how to execute a stored procedure once for every row of input data. There's currently no really good way of doing this but in SQL Server 2005 DTS that is about to change. This article is going to show you how to take… Continue reading OLE-DB Command Transformation