Escaping In Expressions

The expressions language is a C style syntax, so you may need to escape certain characters, for example: "C:\FolderPath\" + @VariableName Should be "C:\\FolderPath\\" + @VariableName Another use of the escape sequence allows you to specify character codes, like this \xNNNN, where NNNN is the Unicode character code that you want. For example the following… Continue reading Escaping In Expressions

Categorised as Scripting

Redistribute SSIS

The DTS component of SQL Server 2000 was a redistributable client component. This mean anyone with a SQL Server Client Access Licence (CAL) could not only connect to SQL Server in the normal manner, but that could also run DTS packages on their machine. Since DTS and SSIS have no client server, or remote execution… Continue reading Redistribute SSIS

Categorised as General


Data Flow Property Expressions Property expressions within the data flow are not immediately obvious. Whilst most pipeline or data flow components do support them for their properties, the expression is not generally exposed through the component user interface, neither is the Expressions property shown properties grid for the component. Property expressions are only available at… Continue reading Expressions

Expression Date Functions

Date Parts Expressions support a range of date related functions such as DATEADD, with the same basic syntax to that found in T-SQL. Whilst the familiarity is very helpful, the difference that catches me out is the format of date part which must be quoted. T-SQL allows this: DATEADD(n, -10, GETDATE()) DATEADD(mi, -10, GETDATE()) DATEADD(minute,… Continue reading Expression Date Functions